Welcome to the project website. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 828708 and has ensured innovative collaborations throughout Calvex supply chain.

…Calvex is a growing business focusing on sustainable solutions to solve economic and health related issues in global dairy herd management. We provide natural methods to increase productivity and reduce the use of antibiotics.
is a growing business focusing on sustainable solutions to solve economic and health related issues in global dairy herd management. We provide natural methods to increase productivity and reduce the use of antibiotics.
Problem addressed: Dairy farm management is highly vulnerable to numerous diseases, representing a burden of > €3 billion globally. Feeding bacteria-free milkduring the early stages of the animal life is the best approach to decrease the spread of diseases and provide the best nutrients, which are not present in most of the milk replacers. However, to date this potential has not been fulfilled because the current technology to treat milk on-farm – Low Temperature Long Time (LTLT) batch pasteurizers – does not provide a positive business case for farmers nor disinfects the milk efficiently.
Solution: MilkGUARD fills the nutritional and safety gap in calf feeding during the calf first weeks of life. Our proprietary solution combines state of the art methods to kill bacteria in a new “cold” process that gently disinfects milk with 99.99% efficiency and 2 times higher energy and water efficient than LTLT systems. Calvex’s technology runs in a flow system with automatic cleaning for maximum usability.

MilkGUARD solution will significantly improvedairyfarms management performance by decreasing calf feeding costs in up to 77%, with a ROI of 1 year vs. LTLT systems and 44% savings vs. milk replacers in operating costs. It enables a 12 times faster milking-to-feeding process and a 4 times faster system cleaning (vs. LTLT systems) and a unique environmental performance. MilkGUARD’s bacteria-free milk will maximize the calves’ health and welfare, thereby increasing milk productivity, and reducing morbidity, mortality and antibiotics use.